Mitchell named
Alumnus of the Year
Dr. Steve Mitchell ’87 (pictured above), a
physician and medical director of Harborview
Medical Center’s Emergency Department, was
honored as Seattle Pacific’s 2021 Alumnus
of the Year. During the COVID-19 pandemic,
he led the effort to establish a new database
that links all Washington state hospitals for a
cooperative approach to emergency pandemic
management. The award was presented at
a virtual event for SPU donors in November.
Listen to an SPU Voices Podcast interview with Dr. Mitchell at
I’m so grateful
for my professors
and everything
I’m learning
here at SPU.
You make it all
possible with
your donations.
Thank you!”
— Bayley, Class of 2022
Alumni selected for
Fulbright awards
Three SPU alumni were chosen for Fulbright
awards. Jonathan Colladay Roberts ’17 is
pursuing a master’s degree in international
relations in Turkey, Elizabeth Davisson ’20 is
teaching English in Spain, and Ann Lam ’21
is teaching English in Vietnam. The Fulbright
Program funds American citizens to study,
conduct research, or teach English abroad.
Seattle Pacific’s
documentary short
film, The Time to
Heal, was selected
for viewings at
five film festivals:
Cannes Short Film Festival, Seattle Film
Festival (where it was nominated for Best
Documentary Short Film), Walla Walla Movie
Crush (where it was featured in a talk-back
interview), Anchorage International Film
Festival, and Compassion Film Festival. The
film follows three Seattle Pacific alumni who
lived out their faith through their work at
Seattle’s Harborview Medical Center during
the COVID-19 pandemic.
View the short film at
SPU Voices Podcast
The SPU Voices Podcast is a monthly
interview show dedicated to telling
inspiring and compelling stories.
Everyone has a story. We showcase
those that are both artistically rich and
culturally relevant. The more personal
the story, the more universal the impact.
Check out these and other episodes:
Browse all SPU Voices Podcasts at